The Instagram Level 2 Short Course for anyone looking to strengthen their Business Instagram Account plus refine their marketing and sales strategies. This self-paced short course teaches you How to Build Successful Social Media Campaigns and Sales Strategies to increase revenue via Social Media

By the end of this course you will be able to:
Run a successful Instagram Competition
Build a sales strategy off the back of the Competition
Facilitate Collaborations
Write Collaboration Agreements
Use creative Apps to excel your instagram creative
Build a Instagram Sales Strategy
Analyse your Instagram statistics
Benchmark your business against industry statistics

Investment: $110
This Course is due for release: Mid June 2020

Nikki Milne, Founder of Singlet Short Courses share 13+ years of business ownership experience with you, so you can skip the research and dive straight into actionable campaign and sales strategies.

The Social Media Short Course is self-paced, meaning you work at a speed and time that suits you! Inside the Short Course you will find Modules jam packed full of contains video lessons, downloadable PDFs, checklists and examples that you can take away and implement in your business straight away! You also have access to the content for 365 days! Please feel free to revisit the course lessons, pdfs and references over this time, often going back over and revisiting can be more powerful than the initial first view!

In additional you’ll love the access you have to our private Facebook group only for Singlet Short Course students. You can use this private group to sound out ideas and form potential key business partnerships across the globe. Nikki regularly pops up in this group to provide further education and live sessions so you can be at the forefront of the changing business world.  

The Social Media Instagram Level 2 Short Course is 100% online based so you can do it in your own hours wherever in the world you like, at a time that suits you! 

What you will learn

Why Nikki suggests to run competitions on your account once every 3 months
One Brand Competitions
Two Brand Competitions
Loops + multiple business give aways and why Nikki avoids them!
How to run a successful competition on Instagram
What to use to draw your winner and how to make sure you follow legal guidelines
Once Competition is ended learn how to maximise the leads and turn those who entered into paying customers

Collaborations and Instagram Agreements
What is a collaboration
Why you should collaborate
How to collaborate well
How to make sure your brand stands out in a collaboration situation
What you should request as part of your collaboration / partnership agreement
How to market your collaborations outside of instagram
Collaboration Agreement Template (pdf) 

Advance Creative
Photo Apps you should have
Photo Editing - basic
Photo Editing - cool effects and animations
Word Design Apps
Stories Apps

Sales Strategies
How to generate sales of instagram
User Generated Content (UGC) and why its so important to sales
Interactive Sales Strategies
20 ideas you can use in your business to increase sales
Visual Design of the Sale Strategy

Campaign Strategies
How to build a Instagram Campaign
Setting your Campaign Objectives
Communicating your Campaign to your followers
Additional Reach Strategies to maximise the brand awareness of the campaign
Collecting data from your campaign outside of Instagram

Why you need to monitor your statistics to refine your sales process
Where to find your statistics
How to interpret your Instagram statistics
Outside apps to give you more detailed data
Create a statistics table for your own business reference and set reachable targets
Insta Stories Statistics and why its so important to monitor them 

Industry benchmarks Guides
Instagram References and Groups
Monitoring Your results



How does this course work?
This course is self-paced meaning as soon as the content drops you will be notified by email that it is available and you can then login and work your way through the course at your own pace anywhere in the world!

Should I do Instagram Level 1 Short Course first?
Yes we highly recommend it (unless you have previously been to Nikki’s Social Media Workshops in person). Nikki is a leader in using Instagram to generate Business Revenue. If you haven’t done Instagram Level 1 - where you learn to optimise your business bio, use hashtags correctly, create relevant and engaging content plus optimising your Instagram account then strategies taught in Instagram Level 2 simply wont get the best results possible when you implement the Level 2 advanced sales strategies.

Can our Group access this course on one enrolment?
Enrolment is for 1 person only. Please contact us for our corporate discount enrolment rates for 10+ students, or purchase individually for under 10 students.

Does this course also include Facebook?
No its purely Instagram based. The reason for this is currently on Facebook your organic reach is limited and Nikki’s preferred platform is Instagram due to the return on investment ( and your time!)

I have done so many social media course will I learn anything new? 
Have you ever done one with, Nikki Milne? Have you ever done a course with someone who has grown their own following to 60,000+ and has repeatedly used the same strategy with multiple clients with great success? Nikki is a leader in using Instagram to generate Business Revenue. We believe you never stop learning so why not take another social media course… you might just be surprised at what you learn in this one!

I am a Marketing Manager, is this course of benefit to Me? 
Yes absolutely. Many Marketing Managers have been thrown into Social Media Management as a daily task with little experience (or time!). Social Media adds to your already full workload, in this short course we will help refine the process so you can focus on areas that get ROI! Use these simple and effective Instagram strategies to build your social strategy for your company and start claiming back your time for other marketing areas.

I am a start-up (hobby business atm) is this course suitable for Me?
YES! Absolutely AFTER first taking our Instagram Level 1 course.

What are the different levels of courses that Singlet offers? 
Short Courses: Self-paced, practical short courses that the student can take at their own pace.
Academy: 4-6-week drip free module advanced courses
Program:  4-6 week drip feed modules high level intensive business program with live weekly support from Nikki and a Private Facebook community for that intake.